The EZ'ist Trotline You Will Ever Use
Made In America With Parts Manufactured In America
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EZ Clip Swivel Clips
New Product
20 each EZ Clip Trotline Clips with 1/0 swivels attached. Tie droplines onto swivels and then clip the EZ Clips directly on the main line. Can be used with any trotline that has spacers or knots to keep clips from sliding. Using the EZ Swivel Clips can make trotline building a snap. Purchase a roll of #36 line for the main line, use overhand knots spaced around an inch apart to keep clips from sliding, attach #9 line to hooks and tie to swivels. Instant trotline.
$5.50 + S/H
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EZ Clip Trotline®
United States Patent and Trademark Office Reg. No. 3339829
Copyright 2007-2021 EZ Clip Trotline Co. - All Rights Reserved